Monday 22 December 2014 0 comments

Diary of life chapter 1

Jakarta, 22 Des. 14
ear diary, I’m very happy with my favourite anime especially Doraemon since when I was a kid many experience which I like from by scene happily and sadly and I ever seen Nobita distress if noisy friends with Nobita, suddenly Nobita always cried facing with Doraemon and then Doraemon helpful Nobita and finally borrow objects good from Doraemon and then Nobita also ever bothered to his friends by means of  Doraemon’s objects and then sometimes friends ever borrowed object’s Doraemon’s tools are no means, and Nobita also ever get mad to his friends his friends name: Giant, Suneo, and Shizuka they are one of the loyal friend form Nobita and ever adventure together kind of adventure and such as adventure in movie an then I’m very like those movie from 2011 movies until 2013 movies and finally I ever seen secret gadget museum and I last watching I’m very like that movies many conflicts but end of story always happy ending “every movie story never sad ending” that’s right? *laugh* many thnigs I like from Doraemon, I like character Doraemon (born on 3 September, 2112), the titular character, is the main protagonist of the series. He is a cat-like robot created by the Matsushiba robot company, and is sent back in time by Sewashi to aid Nobita. He possesses a fourth-dimensional pocket from which he can acquire various kinds of futuristic tools, gadgets, and playthings from a future department store. He also has the tendency to panic during emergencies, characterized by him frantically trying to pull out a very much-needed tool from his pocket, only to produce a huge assortment of unrelated household items. Still, Doraemon is very friendly and intelligent, not to mention long-suffering because of Nobita's antics. Such as Nobita (born on 7 August, Leo), named Noby Nobi in the English dub, is the other main character of most stories. He is a fourth grader (fifth grader in anime version) in Tokyo's Nerima Ward and an only child. He wears glasses, a red or yellow polo shirt with a white collar, and blue or black shorts. Nobita is dumb, uncoordinated, dim-witted, weak, frail, childish, unlucky and bad at sports. He sleeps from a standing position to a sleeping position in less than a second. Nobita's typical day consists of arriving late to school, scoring zero in his tests, getting scolded by his teacher, being teased by his classmates Gian and Suneo, falling in the curbside rain gutters, dogs running after him as he step his foot by mistake on the dog's tail, getting grounded by his mom as she receives complaints against Nobita for not completing his homework, coming late to school or either his poor performance in his studies and sports, falls asleep during class, and does not have a good image between his friends except Shizuka, who remembers Nobita's kind heart and worries about him. Such as Shizuka (born on 8 May, Taurus), usually called Shizuka-chan (しずかちゃん?), is a smart, kind and pretty girl, and Nobita's best friend. She does not shun Nobita due to the latter's failing grades and lazy disposition; in fact she often tries to encourage him to do better, though she usually fails to convince him. Shizuka likes to take a bath several times a day, however, a running gag in the series is that Shizuka is often interrupted by Nobita's sudden appearance, usually due to misuse of Doraemon's gadgets such as the Anywhere Door, ending with Shizuka shouting "Go away, pervert!" to Nobita. Such as Gian (born on 15 June, Gemini), usually known by the nickname "Gian" (ジャイアン Jaian?) (known as "Big G." in the English version of the manga, and "Damulag" in the Tagalog version) from English word "Giant", is the big, strong, and quick-tempered local bully. He also frequently steals other children's toys (especially Suneo) and books under the pretext of "borrowing" them, unless the toy is damaged. However, Gian does not hesitate to help his friends when they are in real trouble; throughout the series, particularly 
the films, he is often the one who voices the most concern and refuses to look away when there is a problem, an opposite of Suneo's cowardice. While he is described by others as daunting and intimidating, he is very sensitive and prone to crying when something touching happens. Gian also has a soft spot for his younger sister, Jaiko, and usually tries to prevent her from trouble, even if she can perfectly handle her situation. Such as Suneo (born on 29 February, Pisces), is the fox-faced (inherited from his mother) rich kid who loves to flaunt his material wealth before everyone. Some of the stories start with Suneo showing off some new video game or toy which evokes Nobita's envy. He is often seen with Gian. He sometimes despises Nobita and often makes fun of Nobita, most often resulted in Nobita getting in trouble. He also often pushes Nobita aside with excuses while he invites Gian and Shizuka to his parties or resorts. In the films, Suneo is often the one most reluctant to take part in Nobita and Doraemon's adventures, and he also tries to face as little trouble as possible and go home unless others convince him, making him somewhat a coward. He has an extensive knowledge of science, and is a talented artist and designer. And little sister’s Doraemon Dorami (born on 2 December 2114) is the little sister of Doraemon. She is yellow and has ears that resemble a large red bow. She happens to be about 2 years younger than Doraemon. Strangely enough, they are siblings due to the fact that they shared half of the oil from a can. Dorami lives in the 22nd-century Tokyo with Sewashi. She sometimes visits Nobita with a time machine when Doraemon is "off-duty" or to help Doraemon with something. Dorami likes melonpan and is afraid of cockroaches. She is also shown to be a more advanced robot than Doraemon (Dorami is able to produce 10,000 horse power, in comparison to Doraemon's 129.3). Different from her malfunctioned brother, she is the smartest student during her school time, and has better skills in using gadgets. In a story, Nobita is intent on replacing Doraemon with Dorami due to her better skills; however, he quickly learns the fact that Dorami does not understand him as much as Doraemon does and will not tolerate his usual antics. And many things from Doraemon such as the name, The name "Doraemon" can be roughly translated to "stray." "Dora" derives from "dora neko" (brazen or stray cat, どら猫), and is a corruption of nora (stray). "Emon" 衛門、右衛門 is an archaic component of male given names like Goemon. "Dora" is not derived from dora 銅鑼, meaning gong, however the name is a pun on this and the fact that Doraemon loves dorayaki. The name "Doraemon" (ドラえもん?) is stylized as an unusual mixture of Katakana (ドラ) and Hiragana (えもん).